What is call quality and how do we manage it in today’s remote work environment?
First of all, it is important to understand that call quality is not just the quality of the sound or the volume of the speakers during a conversation. In the remote environment, those issues can be addressed by having a high-quality Internet connection that supports working in the cloud and connecting to a contact center application to access data and voice services.
But that is just the starting point for managing call quality. For businesses, call quality also involves the effectiveness and efficiency of the conversations between customers and contact center agents and other customer service representatives. This aspect of call quality points to the importance of measuring and managing those conversations in a way that delivers the best possible customer experience.
For example, managers, supervisors and agents must know their company well and the service they are providing to the customer. All must understand the type of customer service your company wants to provide.
That also means setting call quality standards and deploying assurance teams to develop the customer service quality you want to provide. To achieve your objectives, you need to tools such as real-time monitoring, call recording, real-time statistics and historical reports that measure call quality assurance.
For businesses, the goal is for agents to be polite, professional, trained and be given the tools to listen, answer and solve all customer needs, in a timely and effective manner for every call.
Contact Center as a Service
Today, there are many options for delivering cloud-based call quality solutions in a remote work environment, such as Avaya’s OneCloud Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS). For managers or supervisors working at home or a remote location away from agents, Avaya’s OneCloud solution provides you with all the tools you need to monitor, evaluate, and manage staffing, call flow, agent support and most important customer satisfaction, at your desktop.
First let’s look at call center statistics. Avaya Contact Center reports will give the call center managers and supervisors information on several statistics to manage and measure from. Some refer to these as KPIs:
- Wait times
- Call volume
- Staffing
- Average call talk time
- Abandon calls and average abandon time
- First call resolution
- Individual agent and agent group performance
With these analytics, managers will be able to staff for call volume by day, week, month, or promotions. These will also help with agent performance and meet your business customer support goals.
Call quality is also the actual quality of the conversation between customer and the rep or agent. For the manager or supervisor Avaya’s OneCloud also gives the tools to help agents give the best customer experience and enable supervisor support, coach and improve agents and their skills, including.
- Live dashboards – agents and groups
- Call recording
- Screen recording
- Live monitoring
- Coaching
With these tools managers can listen to calls and view screens of agents to gain insights of the customer experience along with improving that experience for both the agent in skills and customer satisfaction. Avaya OneCloud CCaaS also incorporates applications like chat, AI, text-to-speech, routing of calls, email and texts, along with access to your customer databases and tools in order to deliver an excellent customer experience.
Avaya OneCloud CCaaS also has the tools that enable managers, supervisors and agents to create all the data needed to help develop, train, support and improve agent quality, performance and satisfaction, which will increase customer satisfaction. All can be accessed and managed from anywhere you have an Internet connection.
In summary, Avaya OneCloud CCaaS is a complete package for call centers, with all the built-in features for agents, remote agents, and supervisors, enabling call quality to be managed in a remote work environment in a way that gives every customer a good experience.