Third in a Series
Putting women in technology leadership roles pays off for organizations, according to Dominique Broadway, financial planner, author, and founder of Finances Demystified. “Companies that bring in women see an increase in revenue,” she said. “Our experiences bring value in terms of ideas and fresh thoughts on technology. But we need more women role models as there are still too few women in senior positions.”
Broadway was a featured speaker at the third Women in Technology (WIT) session, “Empowering Women for Success,” at Avaya ENGAGE 2023. She was joined by Zina Hassel, CEO and president, ZLH Enterprises Technology Consulting at the luncheon event, hosted by IAUG board member Adriane Davis.
“I have been saving and investing since age 16,” said Broadway, who had a career in banking before becoming an entrepreneur. “My goal was to do financial coaching for people who couldn’t afford a professional advisor. Since then, I’ve been able to impact more than 2,000 people.”
A mother with two young daughters, Broadway is a strong advocate for deploying technology in the financial sector. “Our kids are born with iPhone in their hands and use iPads at school, so the future trend is clear,” she said. “Artificial intelligence (AI) apps have the potential to give you financial advice right in the palm of your hand.”
Broadway also offered six tips to succeed as a woman in tech:
1. Master your craft and constantly educate yourself.
2. Build a strong network.
3. Find a mentor or role model.
4. Speak up and assert yourself
5. Promote diversity and inclusivity
6. Say affirmations daily to keep self-doubts from creeping into your brain.
“Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want in your career,” she said. “And be sure to take time to celebrate your wins!”

Set career goals
A longtime technology consultant, Hassel encouraged WIT attendees to set career goals but be willing to shift to take advantage of a new opportunity. “I started in healthcare administration before moving into technology,” she said. “And as a technology professional, you can choose from different career paths. Do you want to own your own company, move up to a management role in your organization, or become a super-tech that everyone wants on the job?”
To keep your career moving ahead, Hassel recommends paying attention to your personal brand building. “Think about your values, skills, and character,” she said. “You have to be assertive and market yourself. But look closely at the political environment of your organization. Never make the assumption that things are clear-cut.”
As for balancing career and family responsibilities, Hassel said, “Be good to yourself. You don’t have to be supermom and you don’t have to do it all yourself.”
Whether you attended Avaya ENGAGE last month or not, you are invited to join IAUG’s Women in Tech Committee for their post-ENGAGE meet-up! At this event, we’ll continue the conversations that were started during this year’s annual conference. Plus, continue networking and making connections with other women in tech! There is power in community!
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. CT